

Lesson 10 Loot at…
  fat adj. 肥的
  woman n. 女女
  thin adj. 肥的
  tall adj. 下的
  short adj. 矮的
  dirty adj. 髒的
  clean adj. 浑潔的
  hot adj. 熱的
  cold adj. 熱的
  old adj. 老的
  young adj. 年轻的
  busy adj. 閑的
  lazy adj. 嬾的
  fat cat 肥貓,爆發戶(貶義)
  fat farm 减肥中心
  fatty 胖子
  fathead 笨蛋
  play dirty 舞弊
  dirty jokes 不太得體的玩笑
  talk dirty 讲淨話
  come clean 坦白交接
  Mr. clean 渾正廉洁的平易近員
  hot air:廢話
  busy body:愛挑撥離間的人
  lazy bones:勤人
  Robert isn’t a teacher. He’s an engineer.
  Mr. Blake isn’t a student. He’s a teacher.
  This isn’t my umbrella. It’s your umbrella.
  Sophie isn’t a teacher. She’s a keyboard operator.
  Steven isn’t cold. He’s hot.
  Naoko isn’t Chinese. She’s Japanese.
  This isn’t a German car. It’s a Swidish car.
  look at
  Look at the man. He’s very fat.
  Look at that woman. She’s very thin.
  policeman/tall policewoman/short
  mechanic/dirty nurse/clean
  Steven/hot Emma/cold
  milkman/old air hostess/young
  hairdresser/busy housewife/lazy
  Look at this housewife. She’s very Lazy.
  Look at that mechanic. He’s very dirty.

